Generally those who are bold enough to start a fashion business are 'the idea people', and require to find/hire the 'operational people' to make their vision a reality. Whether you fall into this category or not, at some stage you will ask the question "How do I find a manufacturer?" and it can be an overwhelming place to start.
Thankfully today there a bunch of tools you can use to help fine tune your search. Makersrow is a great place to start - with a subscription you can search and talk with manufacturers who may be able to help with what you're looking for. This is a great starting point, especially if you don't have any connections in the industry or the budget to hire someone to handle your logistics and product development. Just be sure you're clear with what it is you're looking to make, know your minimums and budget. It will save both yours and the suppliers time!
Like any business, people like to do business with people. So, hiring someone who has worked with manufacturers before and already have a strong relationship with them is ideal -and will most likely save you money. (Bonus)! The best place to start is to scroll through your contact list and start asking people if they have any connections. People love to help people - how many IOU's do you have waiting to cash in? Think long and hard.
Hiring a professional is a great option, why? Because they do this day in day out, they know and understand the business. They'll be efficient, know where to save you money and might even offer insight you hadn't thought about!
For more on this topic and how I might be able to assist you... reach out here.
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